
Hi, I'm an Introvert.

In theory, there are two types of people: extroverts and introverts. 

Extroverts are outgoing people who love to socialize and are often surrounded by lots of people. They feel a sense of energy and renewal when they're with other people, and are probably happiest in a crowd. 

Introverts are the opposite. They find socializing, even with close friends, to be exhausting, and not only want but require time alone to recharge. A party with lots of people, known or unknown, is an introvert's nightmare. 

I am an introvert. But I have a number of extrovert friends. The problem with these mixed friendships, however, is that I find extroverts are usually unable to understand why introverts behave as they do. Introverts, however, naturally spend a lot of time observing other people and thus can empathize with troubled extrovert friends, even though those same friends can't always return the favor. 

As an introvert, I'm a lot like a feral animal. Squirrels are a good example here. When I see a squirrel, I immediately want to pet it. I call out to it. "Squirr~rreeelllll!" The squirrel regards me warily as I approach, narrow chest heaving because its heart is pounding. Once I reach a certain point, the squirrel inevitably flees, leaving me to pout while the primitive part of my brain thinks "Why Squirrel no want be friend?!" 

Logically, I know why squirrel no want be friend, though. It's the same reason why I, when approached in some way by another person who seems to want to pat me and squish me with love (a la Mice and Men), get the fuck out of there. I don't want to be smothered. I don't want to feel trapped with another person. I need to know that, if I want to go off by myself somewhere, I can do that without fear of being hounded. If, however, I get the feeling that the person in question is clingy (physically or emotionally or both), I flee. I often feel bad, because I know that person won't understand why, but I flee. 

So, now you're probably thinking, Okay, what's the point of all this shit you just told me? ...The point is that if you yourself are not an introvert, then some of the shit I say in this blog won't make any sense to you.... Plus, I think it's an important thing to know about me. But at this time, it's primarily to set up for you.... the following post. 


  1. I believe i'm an introvert. I'm an observer. I'm a listener. Humans frighten me often. However, once i know someone a little better, i become what you would refer to as clingy. I like knowing people are enjoying my company, i very much enjoy hugging people... would this be a bad thing for you? Would i not be allowed to touch you in a friendly comforting way after we know each other well?

  2. If we know each other well, it's okay. I think, as a fellow introvert, you'd be able to tell when it was okay. :) But some non-introvert types need to be expressly told that one is the non-touching type, and until getting to know people better, I just use that as a general rule.
