
A Long-Delayed Update.

So, what's taken so fucking long, you ask? Life.

The current score: Life 11; P 3. (I quantified this in feels, if you want to know.)

But, stuff has been going on.
My hands are still fucked up. Not as bad, but it's quite annoying. I can now tell when the weather changes; a shift in barometric pressure causes my hands and wrists to ache for no apparent reason. That's just super, she sarcasmed.*

I -did- go to see the doctor, though. I managed to get in at a clinic that offers healthcare to people with low/no income or insurance, and the whole visit only cost me $20, which is amazing. I wanted to hug the receptionist when she told me that. Medicine for my various crap did cost me a bit more, though. For the cough (which still lingers) and for my hands. So, there IS relief, but I haven't taken any of those pills yet because they purportedly cause drowsiness, which I have quite enough of, thank you.

Let's see... Oh, I had a hideous date with a creepy dude (more on this later), and stopped seeing that other guy (more on this too). Thus, the dating front is pretty grim, but I don't really have time for boys and their bullshit right now.**

I've been trying harder to find a job, and last week actually got a call from a temp agency, who has since taken me on as talent! So, I'm a step closer to gainful employment, and after a frantic couple of hours, I now have a very nice outfit to wear to other interviews, should there BE other interviews ever.

In spite of numerous setbacks (read: pints of Ben and Jerry's), I've done well on the diet front and managed to break the 170 lb mark, which had been a depressing plateau. Now, I'm only about 9 lbs away from having what is considered within the range of a healthy body weight. WOO!

So, there have been some good things... But in and around these good points has been a vast sea of soul-crushing depression. Part of why I didn't update for awhile has to do with the depression. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share my bad experiences here, but... As a friend told me, this blog is called P vs. Life, so any part of my life is fair game. Ergo, I will endeavor to fill you in on that stuff soon.

For now, it's time for walkies, and then bed... But only because I promised the dog that we would go to bed earlier tonight than last night and I feel guilty. >__>

* I am aware that sarcasm cannot be used as a verb. There is a story behind this, though, about some people who aren't aware....

**I don't only date boys, but haven't heard much lately from the ladies, and regardless, don't have much time for them either. And if truth be told, I already have my eye on someone for when I -do- have the time.

1 comment:

  1. You should apply for Medicaid. I have it, and so far everything has been free. Doctor's visits, an ultrasound, medication...everything. If I got approved I'm guessing you would, too. Just FYI.
